Fundraising FAQs
How do I make a one-off donation?
Thank you for wanting to make a donation to James’ Place. You can make a donation through our website here or by bank transfer. Please contact our fundraising team for our bank details.
How do I give a regular donation?
A regular donation is a fantastic way to support James’ Place. There are two ways you can make one. You can set up a Direct Debit here (just click the donate button) or you can choose to set up a standing order through your bank. Please contact the fundraising team for our bank details to do this.
Can I give a cash donation?
We do not have the facility to keep/send cash easily, so wherever possible we encourage individuals to donate directly via our bank account. Please contact our fundraising team for our bank details.
Who do I make cheques payable to?
All cheques should be made payable to James’ Place Charity and sent to The Fundraising Team, James’ Place, 20 Bunhill Row, London EC1Y 8LP with a note including your contact details.
Can I get a t-shirt made with the James’ Place logo on it?
To ensure anyone who is raising money on our behalf is doing so with our consent and knowledge, we can provide you with a t shirt. If you would prefer to customise and create your own, please contact our fundraising team for more information on receiving a t shirt or about using our logo.
If I raise money for James’ Place, how will my money be spent?
We rely on charitable donations to provide our service. All money raised for James’ Place is spent where it is needed most to enable us continue to provide our free, lifesaving treatment for men in suicidal crisis in our centres.
How do I set up a fundraising page?
If you’d like to fundraise for James’ Place through a challenge, event or celebration, the best first step is set up a JustGiving page. To set up your fundraising page, just follow this link, click the blue button on the right-hand top of the page and enter your details. You’ll be able to set a target, share your story (if you would like to), and write updates to share with those who have donated to your page.
What is Gift Aid?
Gift Aid is a scheme run by the government that enables charities to increase the value of donations made by reclaiming basic rate tax that has been paid on the gift. This means that James’ Place receive an extra 25p for every £1 you give at no extra cost to you. For example, if you donate £100 we’ll receive an extra £25 from the government meaning your total donation is £125.
If you are a UK tax payer, you can Gift Aid your donation. You can do this directly when you donate online, or if you prefer to do this offline you can print and send this form to:
The Fundraising Team, James’ Place, 20 Bunhill Row, London EC1Y 8LP
Please notify us if you want to cancel this declaration, change your name or home address, or no longer pay sufficient tax on your income and/or capital gains by contacting us on 020 3488 8404 or
If you are a higher rate taxpayer we can still only claim the basic rate of tax on your donation. However, you are able to reclaim the difference between the amount we reclaim and the 40% you pay yourself through your annual tax return.
What are the sources of your donations?
As a registered charity, James’ Place relies on voluntary donations to continue treating men in suicidal crisis when they need it most.
Our annual report lists our key supporters within the bounds of GDPR, including corporate donors. Our most recent annual report is available here or on the Charity Commission website.
We are bound by the law to act in the best interest of the charity, and this includes choosing whether or not to accept donations. We conduct due diligence on corporate donors and assess donations on a case-by-case basis. Additionally, where possible, we work to ensure corporate donors understand the work we undertake and help them to raise awareness of our services with the men they employ or with whom they come into contact. We would not accept funds from commercial gambling or tobacco companies, or from the arms or sex trade. We review any opportunity with this and reputational risk in mind.
I have another question!
We’d love to hear from you, please contact our fundraising team on or call 020 3488 8404.