Other ways to donate
Donate by Cheque
Posting a cheque is a more safe and secure way of donating money to James’ Place then sending cash. If you would like to donate via cheque, it should be made out to James’ Place and can be posted to our London centre, where the fundraising team will pick it up. Our address is:
FAO Fundraising
James’ Place
20 Bunhill Row,
After posting the cheque you can notify our team at fundraising@jamesplace.org.uk and they’ll get back in touch to confirm it has been received and deposited. If you’re a UK taxpayer, you can also boost your donation by 25p for every £1 via Gift Aid and the team can send you the form for this process.
Payroll Giving
Payroll Giving is an easy, convenient and tax efficient way to give to James’ Place, allowing you to donate directly from your gross (pre-tax) salary. Anyone who pays UK tax through PAYE can donate through Payroll Giving.
The first step is to check with your employer to make sure that your company offers Payroll Giving. If they do, they will arrange your donation through your salary for you.
If your employer does not currently offer Payroll Giving, you can write to them and encourage them to set one up. To set up a Payroll Giving scheme, your organisation will need to register with an approved Payroll Giving agency.
Leave a gift in your will
The gifts people leave to James’ Place in their will play a real and tangible role in enabling us to carry on saving the lives of men in suicidal crisis.
If you would like to leave a gift in your will, please contact Amy Swart.